Jennifer Gibbons

Where to begin?! I suppose the basics and how I ended up here, writing about the journey I recently found myself on. My name is Jennifer Gibbons. I’m a 45yr old local business owner and have spent the last 25 years married to my best friend, Brian. Together we have 5 children ranging in age from 24-9 months. As you can imagine, time is not something I have much of. Our children are involved in competitive soccer, boxing and weightlifting. Because of our schedules, and endless list of responsibilities we would regularly find ourselves stopping for fast food, choosing quick, unhealthy meal options and eating all the processed junk you’re not supposed to.

Why? Because it tastes good, it’s easy and takes away from the already overwhelming responsibilities at the end of a very long day. Working out wasn’t an option. There was no time, there was always something else that was more of a priority and any other of the million excuses you can make. But, let’s face it, we haven’t been setting a good example for our kids and we haven’t been teaching them good habits.

Weightlifting is what led me to Showcase Strength & Fitness. A friend referred me to Jordan and his gym for a teen weightlifting program my son, Conner, participated in. This is how I learned of the transformation challenge and ultimately not only became a participant but managed to convince my husband into joining to help become the best, healthiest version of ourselves and set a better example for our children to follow.
Together, we pushed each other, meal prepped and committed to changing our lifestyle.

I’ve worked out in the past but busy schedules, pregnancy and now an infant proved to create multiple challenges. This was a reset for me… starting over. It was difficult but it was a priority. Showcase and its members proved to be a great support and community for not only myself but for my husband and son as well. The transformation challenge was a great platform to assist our whole family in making healthier choices when it comes to working out, staying active and building healthy habits.